Evolution of Industrial Engineering

Though F.W.Taylor is named as the father of scientific managment and industrial engineering.
1. 1732 - James Ark Wright - invented the spinning Frames
Which has improved the productivity and quality (British Cotton Textile Industry)
2. 1769 - James Watt -developed Steam Engine
Thus steam engine power brought revolution in industries in terms of useful replacement of manpower by steam power
3. 1776 - Adam Smith - wealth of nations
Introduced concept of division of labour
4. 1772-1891 - Charles Babbage- the economy of machine and manufacturing
Concept -"The Economy of Machinery and Manufacturing " he also reffered the relation and conflicts between labour and management.
5. 1900 - F.W. Taylor- Scientific approach
Scientific approach to managament could improve labour efficency and productivity.he analysis the basic work content of a task and he redesign the task after eliminating the unproductive elements in order to improve the efficency .Relationship of executives and workers and participation of workers in decisison making.
I . Develop a standarised method for doing a job
II . Eliminating waste
III. Wage incentives payment system
IV . Scientific Selection
V . Develop greater understanding between managers and workers
VI . divide work between managament and labour

6. 1900 - Gilberth - MicroMotion study- Therbligs
Principal contribution was identification,analysis and measurement of fundamental motions involved in performing a task. He developed the micro motion study,i.e the subdivision of motion involved in the task.he develops Concept of fatigue in work, and efficency in work-methods
7. 1901 - Henry Gantt- Gantt chart
main application solve scheduling problems. In different forms provide a Systematic Graphical Procedure for Planning ans Scheduling various activies, Reviewing Progress and to Update the Schedules
8. 1913 - Harrington Emerson - principles of efficency
I . Clearly defined ideas
II . Common sense
III. Competent counsel
IV . Displine
V . Fair deal
VI . Reliable,immediate and adequate records

VIII.Standards and Schedules
IX .Efficieny rewards

9. 1915 - F.W.Harris- inventory control
established an optimized technique in inventory economics
10. 1931 - Walter A.Schewhart - statistics in Production
Concept of quality control , inspection, sampling plans
11. 1935 - H.F.Dodge and H.G.Roming
economics of inspection, Stastical sampling to Quality control, Samling Plans.
12. 1937 - L.H.C. Tippet-developed working sampling to study the pattern of work
determine the equipment and manpower utilisation and for selling performance standards for long cycle, hetrogenous jobs.
13. 1940 - P.M.S.Blacket -concept of optimisation,called O.R
14. 1947 - George b. Dantzing
mathematical programming , non linear Programming
15. A.Charles,W.W.Cooper-programming
16. 1955 - I.B.M-Digital Computer
17. 1960 - L.Cumming and L.Poter
organisational Behaviour,study people at work,integartion of man and machine etc.
18. 1970 - Simulation
of production problems, automation,Human Enigneering, Simulation of entire production systems,Automation of Factory, Unmanned Factory


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